Saturday 6 February 2010

The Politics of

I believe we can act boldly, and decisively, in the face of a common threat. That’s why I come here today — not to talk, but to act.Barack Obama 

The Journey to COP 15
In early December 2009, the subject of climate change aggrandized as 192 world leaders converged at Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen to hew out of previous negotiations, an actionable deal to address climate change issues. COP 15, as it was captioned, was the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The UNFCCC was one of the three conventions adopted at the 1992 "Rio Earth Summit."....

A Mix of Fate with Faith
"How can man change the climate and make it stop raining: it is God's will that has brought the drought".6 This was a decrial captured by BBC’s Greg Whitehead from a female pastoralist from the arid lands of North-East Kenya against the proposition of world's scientists that climate change is man-made. Flippantly, her assertion sprung forth in the wake of prevalent deteriorating conditions resulting from climate change in Kenya. News reports...

Fiction or Fact
Despite the copious amounts of scientific reports being spewed out, the issue of climate change has graduated into something more than science; rather into politics and economics. Not everyone agrees to the facts unriddled by science. For some, the facts of climate change are symbolic of biased political ideologies and economical philosophies, thus dogmatically maintaining positions regardless of multitudinous evidence, and endlessly recycling views that have been repeatedly debunked by scientists.10...

Africa’s Position
The epic of climate change, like many other global issues, does not prove to be a favourite of Africa. In fact it has been asserted that Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change.16 Quoting a report by Up to Smoke 2, the BBC reported that on the average, the continent is 0.5C warmer than it was 100 years ago, but temperatures in some areas like a part of Kenya which has become 3.5C hotter in the past two decades, have risen much higher.17 The continent’s vulnerability coupled with a weak adaptive capacity is predicated on the existing developmental challenges such as endemic poverty, complex governance and...
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Friday 1 January 2010

“I Have a Dream!”
A New Year’s Resolution


A Struggle for Equality
 “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.”
Martin Luther King Jr.1
One of the most remarkable historical struggles in world history was the struggle for development of African Americans in the United States of America. It represents a story of how daring men initiated political, economic, educational, and social change in conditions to shape their future and that of the country.2 Creating a feud that lasted for about a century from the mid 1800s to late 1900s, the era witnessed the relentless revolution for equality and justice of African Americans who were then subjected to racial desegregation, slavery and abuse.2 According to Marshall (2002), this struggle, profoundly evident in the south, almost succeeded in alienating that region as a place not part of the entire country....During those times, one of the leaders who revved up the anti-segregation and civil rights campaigns was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In fact the period between 1955 and 1968 has been called “the King years” of American history.4 ....Martin Luther King’s most significant campaign was on August 28 1963, when he led the peaceful March on Washington that pulled together 250,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial. That was where he delivered is monumental speech; “I Have a Dream”.5

The Dream That Lives
The veracity of King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech was pungent and powerful. It was an outward outburst of inner convictions. The speech typified a man who was not only convinced about the rightness of his dream, but also poised to pay the price for its greatness....Like Martin Luther King Jr., most people at the beginning of the year possess high ambitions fuelled by a strongly rejuvenated resolve to make them happen, dreams whose fulfilment would mean self liberation from the manacles of certain negative behaviours, friends or habits, and association with the muscles of positive attitudes and skills. Perhaps this is because the New Year comes with a pristine and promising spirit that awakens people to a world of purpose and possibility. It marks a defining moment that does not only offer first chances for ingenuity and innovation in the present, but also second chances for mistakes and miscues in the past....

Down Memory Lane: A History Untold
The tradition of the New Year's Resolutions is not a new philosophy. Its practice dates back to early BC when the Romans led by King Numa introduced Januarius (January) and Februarius (February) to the existing solar and lunar calendars.8 Januarius was named after the god Janus, the protector of doorways and hence the opening of the year, and Februarius after Februalia, the time for sacrifices at the end of the year.8 Janus who was regarded as the god of beginnings and the guardian....It was when the Julian calendar was instituted in 46 BCE by Julius Caesar to accurately reflect the seasons than previous calendars had, that the beginning of the year was shifted from March 1 to January 1...
‘Alice in Wonderland’
 ....Most people are quick to celebrate the beginning of a new year, but slow to tactically anticipate what the fresh days ahead have in stock. They therefore live the days of the New Year like the days of Alice in Wonderland. Remember that famous and classic bedtime story by English Author Lewis Carol? In the “New Year Wonderland”, such people have absolutely nothing to do with goals or ambitions.
 .....Since the concept of New Year resolutions can have a yearlong impact on our behaviours, it is important to tackle its developments from a strategic angle. One of the best ways to develop NYR is by using the SMART strategy, a strategy which is widely used in the corporate world by business leaders to effectively and efficiently develop organizational goals or launch campaigns. Captured in the variables of Specific, Measurable, Achievable (or Action-oriented), Realistic and Time-Bound,  SMART goals ensure that all the necessary elements are included in goal setting in order to make them actionable, well planned and achievable....

Do More than Exist, Live: Specific & Measurable
In applying the SMART principle, the first step in the making of a NYR would be the identification of clear and precise goals; goals that are specific. This begs the question; “What exactly do I want to achieve in 2010?” The necessity of this step is to get the goal setter starting and thinking. Since this would be the big equation from which other derivatives would be churned, it is imperative that a personally thorough, thoughtful and tactical process is undergone to identify the things we would want to achieve. It is the starter pack for a purposeful year. Corroborating the importance of purpose, Dr. Mensa Otabil, accomplished Ghanaian statesman and educator, reflects that “Before you think about what you want to do, you must know who you aspire to be.”....
This is a highlight of the New Year's edition of 'Young & Inspired'. To get the full intellectual and inspiring version, just send a request mail to And guess what, it's absolutely free! Let's start the New Year on knowledge springboard.